The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music The Hong Kong International Piano Competition 2016, Joy of Music Festival, Chopin, Music Festical, Piano, Guitar, Hong Kong, Classic Music
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Chloe (Jiyeong) MUN - Piano

The overall winner of the Geneva Competition (unanimously awarded First Prize) and the Busoni Competition (first Asian pianist to win First Prize since it began in 1949), Jiyeong Mun – known in the music world as Chloe Mun – seems to be following in the footsteps of Martha Argerich, who won both awards in 1957, launching a brilliant international career. Thanks to her absolutely genuine and natural approach to the instrument, the young South Korean pianist, who was born in 1995, has earned the appreciation of the public and prestigious international juries alike in recent years. Jörg Demus, president of the 60th International Busoni Competition jury, said about her: “I have rediscovered in her a naturalness of musicality that I thought had disappeared.”

Chloe Mun began studying piano at the age of five. Raised under disadvantaged conditions, since both parents are disabled and receive only a state subsidy, she began studying the instrument at her own initiative. Because she did not have a piano at home in the early years, she practiced either at school or in an academy for several hours a day. Despite her family's economic hardships she soon decided that she wanted to take her piano career seriously, refusing to be discouraged by anything that stood in the way of bringing her dream to fruition. In fact, she discontinued traditional schooling in order to spend more time at the piano and subsequently graduated on her own – well ahead of her peers. In 2012 she won Germany's Ettlingen International Youth Music Award Competition, selected for her “amazing musical imagination, so rich and full for a sixteen year old.” In 2009 she won First Prize in her category at the Art Dream Competition organized by the Korean Business Council, which allows people in the lower echelons of society access to higher artistic education. It was on that occasion that she met her teacher, Daejin Kim, who has since been her teacher and mentor. She is currently studying at the Korea National University of Arts.

She won several competitions between 2009 and 2013, including the Rubinstein in Memoriam International Piano Competition in Poland and the Takamatsu International Competition in Japan; she also won prestigious scholarships from foundations such as the Daewon Foundation for Culture and the Korean Foundation. Considered in Korea to be one of the most talented pianists of her generation, she has performed throughout South Korea and Japan; in Europe, she has appeared in recitals and concerts with orchestras in Germany, France, Poland, Italy and the Czech Republic.


文 智 英

毫無爭議的「日內瓦大賽」冠軍、1949年起首位來自亞洲的「布梭尼大賽」冠軍,古典音樂世界多稱她為Chloe Mun。乍看之下,頗有步鋼琴大師阿格麗希後塵的味道,眾所周知,阿格麗希於1957年贏得此二項大賽桂冠,自此便展開國際樂壇輝煌之旅。

1995年生於南韓,音樂神童,自幼便自然而然地對鋼琴著迷,深受樂迷及德高望重的音樂前輩喜愛。第60屆布梭尼大賽評委主席Jörg Demus便曾讚嘆她的演奏:「似已絕跡、渾然天成」。


2012年,贏取「德國Ettlingen國際青年音樂」大獎,獲讚具備「神奇的音樂想像力」,當時她年僅十六。2009年,參加韓國商務部主辦的「藝術想像大賽」獲一等獎,此獎旨在令經濟環境不好的學生可以有機會獲得較好的藝術教育。她籍此認識了金大晉教授, 教授自此成為她的鋼琴老師及人生導師。目前,智英在韓國國家藝術大學學習。

2009-2013期間贏取多項獎項:包括波蘭「紀念魯賓斯坦國際鋼琴大賽」和日本「高松國際鋼琴大賽」。同時亦考獲著名大元基金會文化類別和韓國基金會之獎學金。 韓國雖然近年鋼琴人才濟濟,智英依然脫穎而出。她的演出遍佈韓國、日本和歐洲各大音樂廳舞台,分別於德國、法國、波蘭、意大利和捷克舉辦鋼琴演奏會及與樂團共同獻樂。


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